Blast From The Past: The Original Asterisk Book Cover

Jim nixed this cover pretty fast. Another suggestion from Mark was a Moose (back in the day there was a running joke about moose penis… don’t ask. It was a dark time).

Request for Reviews for Asterisk: The Definitive Guide

Recently Jim Van Meggelen, Russell Bryant and myself released the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O’Reilly Media titled ‘Asterisk: The Definitive Guide’. We have released this book under a Creative Commons license in the spirit of Open Source software. It is available in its entirety at and for purchase through Amazon at If you have a chance to review the book, and feel it is a useful and well written resource, we would appreciate your favorable review on Amazon. Read On →

Asterisk Tech Tips: Asterisk Cookbook (April 21, 2011)

Mark your calendars! The next installment of the Asterisk Tech Tips webinar by Digium will feature Russell Bryant and myself presenting a couple of recipes from the Asterisk Cookbook. The presentation will be on April 21, 2011 at 12:00 Noon CDT (-0500 GMT). From the blog post by Steven Sokol of Digium: “I’m pleased to announce that Russell Bryant and Leif Madsen, two giants of the Asterisk community, will host the next Asterisk Tech Tips event, scheduled for Thursday, April 21. Read On →

Asterisk Cookbook Is Done!

Just a quick update that the Asterisk Cookbook is complete! We’ll be releasing it under a Creative Commons license (just like Asterisk: The Definitive Guide) again. It’ll be a 24 recipe e-book right now, with it growing over time and eventually becoming a full print edition once the size warrants it. Of course if you purchase now you help spur on additional incentive to continue making it larger. I’ve been told that you also continue to receive updates automatically as the book grows and corrections are made (which sounds pretty cool! Read On →

Asterisk Cookbook Ready For Review!

Just a quick note that we’ve finished the Asterisk Cookbook (electronic edition) and it is now ready for review! We’re hoping to have all comments submitted within the next week. We’re using OFPS (Open Feedback Publishing System) again. You can read the book and help review here:

Debugging the Asterisk Dialplan with Verbose()

In case you missed it, Russell Bryant wrote a blog post on debugging the Asterisk dialplan with the Verbose() application. This is one of the recipes that will be features in the upcoming Asterisk Cookbook that we’re writing, and hoping to have done by the end of March! (In case you’ve missed all the cool stuff lately, the Asterisk Cookbook will also be released under the same Creative Commons license as the previous Asterisk books. Read On →

Using #exec to set externaddr in sip.conf

Today I was working on a system, and knowing that the system is going to get moved, and that often one of the things forgotten is to update the externaddr= option in sip.conf (when Asterisk is sitting behind NAT), I decided to put together a little script that returns the external IP address of the system. Using this script along with an #exec in the sip.conf file will make it so the address gets updated when the system is moved to the new physical location. Read On →

First HD Conference In Asterisk!

Today Russell Bryant and I had the first public HD conference using Asterisk! There had been other testing done by Malcolm Davenport and David Vossel (who is the developer working on this integration) internally, but this was the first public HD enabled conference using Asterisk (as far as I’m aware). It worked really well! People were able to join in, and those who were calling in via G722 were able to hear each other in wideband, while the other people in the conference who were using narrowband codecs like GSM and ulaw didn’t hear any difference in the audio from the participants. Read On →

Initial impressions of qemu-kvm (virtualization server)

The qemu-kvm ( package on Ubuntu 10.10 allows you to create virtual machines much like VMware, Xen, etc. My initial impressions are generally pretty positive. I like that it lets you install multiple operating systems (including MS Windows, which I haven’t tried yet), and doesn’t use a web interface like VMware Server 2 (which I’ve found to be terribly crash prone, requiring a restart of the web interface at the least, and sometime the entire server needs to be restarted, often abruptly with the kill application). Read On →

Asterisk Cookbook Is On! (We Think :))

After finishing the first draft of Asterisk: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition), I’ve been a bit antsy with wanting to do some more writing. After about a week of a break (i.e. sleeping in past 7am for the first time in nearly a year), Russell Bryant and I have decided to team up on delivering the long awaited Asterisk Cookbook. To start off with, we’ll be writing a short, 80-100 page eBook that will be distributed by O’Reilly in all the formats they support (http://oreilly. Read On →