TripleO: Using the fake_pxe driver with Ironic

I’ve been working on testing things with TripleO and normally I use TripleO Quickstart to spin things up in a virtual environment.

Often when doing NFV work though, you need things that can’t be used in a virtual environment (such as DPDK, SR-IOV, etc) so you need some baremetal nodes.

In my home lab environment though, I don’t have the luxury of IPMI, so I need to make use of the fake_pxe driver in Ironic, which allows for standard PXE control, but requires you to deal with powering on and off the machines manually. Let me show you how I make use of that.


Why use the fake_pxe driver?

The fake_pxe driver “provides stubs instead of real power and management operations”1 so that you can utilize hardware that supports PXE, but doesn’t provide the necessary functionality to control power management functionality remotely.

This allows you to use some standard commodity hardware that doesn’t have the advanced power management systems of more expensive hardware.

Enabling the driver in Ironic

By default the fake_pxe driver isn’t enabled on the undercloud. You can enable it in the /etc/ironic/ironic.conf by modifying the following line:

enabled_drivers = pxe_ipmitool,pxe_ssh,pxe_drac,pxe_ilo,fake_pxe

Add fake_pxe to the end of the enabled_drivers configuration option. Then we’ll need to restart the Ironic services.

$ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep ironic
openstack-ironic-api.service                  enabled
openstack-ironic-conductor.service            enabled
openstack-ironic-inspector-dnsmasq.service    enabled
openstack-ironic-inspector.service            enabled

I believe the only service you need to restart to make the driver active is openstack-ironic-conductor.service but you can easily restart all the services with the following commands:

ironic_services=$(sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep ironic | awk '/enabled/ {print $1}')
sudo systemctl restart $ironic_services

Validate driver is active

Now that we’ve modified the ironic.conf file and restarted the Ironic services, let’s double check the driver is active:

$ openstack baremetal driver list
Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils
| Supported driver(s) | Active host(s)        |
| fake_pxe            | localhost.localdomain |
| pxe_drac            | localhost.localdomain |
| pxe_ilo             | localhost.localdomain |
| pxe_ipmitool        | localhost.localdomain |
| pxe_ssh             | localhost.localdomain |

Workflow for TripleO deploy

Awesome, our driver is enabled. Now we can make use of it for our nodes. Using the driver and understanding when to turn machines on and off wasn’t super obvious, so lets review the workflow.

Import nodes for introspection

First, we need to make sure our baremetal nodes are configured on the undercloud to make use of the fake_pxe driver. In our instackenv.json we can set that up:

    "nodes": [
            "capabilities": "profile:control,boot_option:local"

We’ve configured the pm_type to be fake_pxe, filled in our MAC address, and setup some initial data about the node. I generally enable the inspection_extras = true option in the undercloud.conf file so that the hardware is evaluated during introspection and the database setup appropriately. You can modify these values to match the hardware if you don’t want to execute that step (or it isn’t detecting the hardware accurately).

The other pm_??? values are just dummy data, and don’t need to be populated with anything meaningful (since we don’t have any IPMI interface to connect to, they are unnecessary). In previous versions of TripleO importing the nodes would fail without the pm_??? values which is why they are there at all.

Perform introspection

With our nodes imported, can start the introspection process. Remember that we want to start with the nodes turned off. Of course make sure you have the BIOS setup to allow booting from PXE as the first boot device.

Start the introspection process:

$ openstack baremetal import --initial-state=enroll instackenv.json

$ openstack baremetal introspection bulk start

You can monitor status of the machines using watch:

$ watch -n30 "openstack baremetal node list"

When the introspection process starts, you’ll see the Power State switch to power on and the Provisioning State field work its way through the introspection process.

At this point, power on the machines.

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 25167102-fc8d-4907-b16c-dbdb09ea9d10 | None | None          | power on    | manageable         | False       |
| 97c229c3-07bc-4f5e-a451-6ae3341f1f5a | None | None          | power on    | manageable         | False       |
| a5d8a413-4458-480f-8a94-5f22902cea6c | None | None          | power on    | manageable         | False       |

When introspection completes, you’ll see the Provisioning State switch to available and the Power State should show power off. You’ll need to manually power down the machines at this point.

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 25167102-fc8d-4907-b16c-dbdb09ea9d10 | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 97c229c3-07bc-4f5e-a451-6ae3341f1f5a | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| a5d8a413-4458-480f-8a94-5f22902cea6c | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |

Start overcloud deployment

With introspection completed and our machines powered off, we can start the overcloud deployment. I won’t get into how to deploy your cloud here (you might want to refresh your memory with TripleO: Consuming Composable Roles) but here is the general process:

Once you run the openstack overcloud deploy [...] command, you’ll watch the output of your openstack overcloud baremetal list command, waiting for Power State to switch to power on. At this point you’ll power up the nodes.

Here is what we’ll see while the overcloud starts to get provisioned:

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 25167102-fc8d-4907-b16c-dbdb09ea9d10 | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 97c229c3-07bc-4f5e-a451-6ae3341f1f5a | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| a5d8a413-4458-480f-8a94-5f22902cea6c | None | None          | power off   | available          | False       |

Once you see the Provisioning State switch to wait call-back then you can power the nodes back up so they can pull the disk image from the undercloud and write it to the local disk drive.

| UUID                                 | Name | Instance UUID                        | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 25167102-fc8d-4907-b16c-dbdb09ea9d10 | None | c57f80dc-2e27-465a-b4ba-3e811313627b | power on    | wait call-back     | False       |
| 97c229c3-07bc-4f5e-a451-6ae3341f1f5a | None | ef1d5f8e-79fd-423c-bdd2-39b850dadac8 | power on    | wait call-back     | False       |
| a5d8a413-4458-480f-8a94-5f22902cea6c | None | 784f79b0-37de-461a-957a-8cac55fea72c | power on    | wait call-back     | False       |

The machines will then call back to the undercloud and you should see the Provisioning State change to deploying.

After about 5-10 minutes (depending on image size, network speed, disk speed, etc) your machines should power themselves off. The Power State value won’t change to power off though so you’ll need to physically look at the machines to validate the nodes have powered off.

We need to continue monitoring the nodes for the Provisioning State to switch to active, meaning the undercloud is ready for you to power the machines back up. After the state changes to active power the machines back on manually.

At this point, you’re done playing power jockey, and can simply sit back and watch your overcloud COMPLETE or FAIL.


The fake_pxe driver is useful when you need to utilize commodity hardware that doesn’t have remote power management, when you’re using hardware that doesn’t have a driver available for power management, or when your IPMI network isn’t available to the undercloud directly. Knowing when to power the nodes up and down is really the only key to being successful with hardware that doesn’t have remote power management.