Selecting Chef Servers With Environment Variables
Today I got playing around with dynamically selecting different chef servers in preparation for migrating some of our nodes away from our chef-dev server to our chef-live server (which I’m currently in the process of building and populating with data). I had been talking in the #chef IRC channel a few weeks back about making things dynamic, or at least easily switchable, when using multiple chef servers for different groups of servers in an environment.
What I want to do, is be able to set an environment variable at my console in order to switch between chef servers. Previously I had been doing this with different files in my ~/.chef/ directory and changing symlinks between the files. This method works, but is kind of annoying. So with the help of some of the folks in #chef, and with this gist of a sample file that someone is using for their hosted chef environment, I was able to build my own knife.rb and commit it to our chef.git repository.
In our chef.git repository, I created a directory .chef and placed a knife.rb file in it:
$ cd ~/src/chef-repo
$ mkdir .chef
$ touch .chef/knife.rb
I then filled knife.rb with the following contents:
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
sys_user = ENV["USER"]
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name sys_user
client_key "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.chef/#{ENV["KNIFE_ENV"]}/#{ENV["USER"]}.pem"
validation_client_name "chef-validator"
validation_key "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.chef/#{ENV["KNIFE_ENV"]}/validator.pem"
chef_server_url "http://chef-#{ENV["KNIFE_ENV"]}"
cache_type 'BasicFile'
cache_options( :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" )
cookbook_path [ "#{current_dir}/../cookbooks", "#{current_dir}/../site-cookbooks" ]
The main key is the KNIFE_ENV environment variable which I set using: export KNIFE_ENV=dev
or export KNIFE_ENV=live
After setting the environment variable, which server I’m using is selected for me. Additionally, I copied my validation.pem and client.pem files into corresponding directories in my ~/.chef/ directory: $ mkdir ~/.chef/{live,dev}
With all that done, I can now easily switch between our different servers in order to start the migration of our nodes. (I might create another blog post about that in the future if I get a chance.)
“BUT HOW DO I KNOW WHICH ENVIRONMENT I’M WORKING WITH?!?!?!”, you say? Oh fancy this little PS1 and function I added to my ~/.bashrc file:
if [ "$KNIFE_ENV" == "" ]; then
export KNIFE_ENV="dev"
function which_env {
if [ "$KNIFE_ENV" == "live" ]; then
echo "31"
echo "32"
export PS1='[\u@\h \[\033[0;36m\]\W$(__git_ps1 "\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;33m\](%s) \[\033[0;`which_env`m\]~$KNIFE_ENV~")\[\033[0m\]]\$ '
Is nice :)